
Learning Programs

We strongly believe all children within our care deserve to be nurtured and educated to ensure they have the best possible start in life and preparation for their school years. Our programs lay the foundations upon which all of our children’s learning is built.

From birth, children begin to learn and this continues throughout their lives. We consider all attributes of the child: physical, intellectual, social and emotional and work in partnership with families to help to nurture and develop children in all of these areas.

Our programs are developed in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework and are based on the children’s interests. By providing a ‘Child Directed Program’ in which children have the opportunity to select their activities based on current interests, the children develop a positive self concept and increased confidence.

Activities are planned to support and further develop their interests and skills. In this way, children are developing and learning, through play, many of the skills and attributes they need, including:
• how to interact with others,
• how to work as a team,
• solving problems and conflicts,
• building confidence and self-esteem and,
• developing independence.

The children’s numeracy, language and literacy skills are also developed through particular activities and play, such as solving puzzles, word games, stories, music and art which are very important parts of our program.

The program for each group of children is especially designed to cater for the developmental needs of the group and for each child individually. Staff carefully monitor and record the progress of each child in each of their areas of development. This information is then evaluated and used to plan ongoing activities to further support each child in each area.

For older age groups, the evaluations are formulated into detailed kindergarten and pre-prep programs. This ‘whole child’ approach helps to ensure full school readiness when the time comes. All of the programs are, however, also designed to be fun and creative learning experiences as children learn best when at play.

Activities such as singing, painting, water play, reading, art and craft and outdoor play are every day occurrences. These experiences are enhanced by our Centres’ wide range of modern equipment and resources such as computers which are constantly updated.